A look at our new home

EPA Site

Final draft floorplan

The Workshop

The Workshop

It’s been a long time in the making, but Altona City Theatre is finally getting some room to spread out a bit.  Anyone who has visited our current workshop would be quite familiar with the challenges we face with building sets for each show in the relatively modest space we have available to us.  Our workshop is roughly the size of the stage (minus the wings), and that space has to account for building space for our sets, storage for sets in the show, storage for sets and materials not in the show, our tool and equipment storage, and our small kitchenette.

Following the fight a couple of years ago to stop the local council from closing the Altona Civic Reception Centre (the function hall next door), Altona City Theatre was promised an allocation of space in the former EPA vehicle testing facility on Queen St in Altona (see map below).  In the interim Council has undertaken works to refurbish and overhaul some of the essential services at the facility in preparation for us to move in.  With these works now having been completed we have been offered and have accepted an agreement with the local council to occupy the space, subject to the agreement being signed off by the State Government.

The Workshop and Kitchen

The Workshop and Kitchen

Altona City Theatre has had the opportunity to tour through the facility with the other community groups also gaining access to space and has taken some photographs prior to the facility being cleaned out of some of the furniture and other items the previous tenant had stored there.

In the meantime we were pleased to be granted escorted access to the facility at the start of prod week for Sinbad to allow us to shift some of our storage items to their more permanent home and give the backstage crew a bit of room to work their magic.

Our Storage Area

Our Storage Area

We believe that access to this facility will be a great opportunity for us to work with other community groups to share skills and resources, and to free up some much needed space in the workshop area.  We’re excited about the possibilities this new venue brings us.

We will be arranging for group get-together and tour following occupation, so please keep an eye on the website for more information!


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